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My focus is on supporting parents and children from birth to twelve years old.

However, the most intense development and learning stages for children is between birth and six years old. When they shape their attitude and approach to life.
These years might also be the most demanding for you as parents and for the family.


Effective & Efficient Kick-start

A great option to discuss a specific challenge you're currently facing. Start getting my support to get your child and family back on track immediately.

Initiate strategies together and have a shoulder to rest a little on.

Video-conferencing or phone call.

Sitting Child
Family Portrait 4


Parenting Roadmap

A great opportunity to deep dive into your child's behaviour to craft and put in place strategies that will ground your family values into your day-to-day life. A new horizon to look forward to.

Video conferencing or in-person in South West London (when possible)


Approach 100% tailored to your requirements in the long term

My most personal programme designed to shape your child for their best life.

From the start, I connect with you, your child, the teachers and all professionals in your child’s life to create a tailored programme focusing on your expectations and goals for your child.
Usually delivered over six months, I'll support you through challenges while monitoring progress to adjust the programme to your child’s development. 

Decorating easter Eggs
Services: Services
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